7 reasons why recruiting Software Developers is so difficult

  1. Its a buyers market – Lets be honest, if you’re Web Developer or Software Engineer in 2020 you have LOTS of options when it comes to changing jobs.
  2. You’re not fun enough – with everyone offering ping-pong tables, free Pizza and beer taps, is your company brand giving you enough pulling power?
  3. Your tech is out of date – Delphi might be making a comeback, but your tech-stack might not sound attractive to the type people you want to hire
  4. Everyone works from home now– so if you need people in the office 6 days a week for a valid (& unavoidable) business reason, you might struggle to get traction before the interview ever happens
  5. Your interview process is too demanding – 3 hour tech test followed by 5 interviews, if it works for Google why doesn’t it work for you?
  6. They accept the offer but never start – you wait 3 months for them to work their notice, then you get an email on the Sunday night saying their circumstances have changed and they’re moving back to somewhere because something has happened to their blah blah blah… it’s heartbreaking
  7. You are talking to the wrong people – this should be number 1 as it generally sums up all of the above reasons, but the good news is it’s easy to fix. Imagine calling all the plumbers in the phone book to fix a problem with your car, you may get there eventually but imagine how many calls you’ll have to make. This is what happens when you talk to the wrong people, and sadly it happens all the time.

A good recruiter will take the time to understand your requirement and will not only ask the questions that matter to candidates, but they will have a network of contacts broad enough to be picky over who they introduce.

So if you feel like you’re having the wrong type of candidate put forwards, or if your vacancy is taking to much time out of your schedule, then maybe you are speaking to the wrong people.

Maybe you need to speak to Shift F5.